
darling adelphia

now, i know it is really only my fault when my blog remains empty for almost two weeks (oh, the horror!), but it is just so much easier to blame the cable company. seriously. high speed internet, you say? how about paying up the nose for a signal that decides to stop working out of the blue? oooo, yeah, sign me up for that one. i shut down, restarted, ctrl-alt-del'ed, petted and caressed my computer. i prayed to it, read it poetry, and flung myself sobbing at its feet. still no luck. the cable LED on the modem remained unlit. (some pcs just have no heart.) but after a week and a half, and after an hour on the phone with adelphia, and after screwing around my schedule to fit the Cable Guy into a two hour slot on friday, the techie gods concluded that i'd gone through enough torture and they readmitted me into the eworld! so hi. i'm back. and so incredibly happy to be so.

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