
Excuses, Excuses

It began to feel like a chore. I wrote all day long, using words to persuade and convince them that this is Exactly What They Want. I edited edited edited until each piece was perfect. Perfectly subtle, that is. And I had no energy left for a little collection of musings I had begun to post on the www.

I love my work; and that makes it all the more difficult to separate work from loves. But it is necessary. Writing for me, for you, is a love. Writing for work, is… work. Remind me of that, will you? And I’ll stick around.

[In case it is not blatantly obvious, I am still in Holland. Actually, I am currently in the clouds above Holland, but that is simply because the clouds are low today and there is about a two-foot visibility range. Most times, because this country is as flat as its favorite food (although there IS one hill in Leiden), I can see to the port of Rotterdam from my twelfth floor office in The Hague.

We have one more month until the first of Spring.]

1 comment:

spyderman said...

inspiration comes in all motions, shapes and sounds...and digitally enhanced, product endorsing visual montages. case in point, i was inspired by this well made espn commercial to go for one of my 'epic' runs yesterday. as soon as i stepped outside i twisted my ankle. ouch. what started off as something of a tribute to the cinematic masterpiece 'chariots of fire' instead turned into a cutting floor blooper reel that only larry, moe and curly would have found inspirational.

what's my point? inspiration comes and goes. it happens to all of us. you say that i inspired you to start 'reblogging', but i say it is YOU who's inspired ME to start a blog. it only took me about a year, but that just means i like to pace myself.

one more thing, i linked your blog to mine. it's the least i could do. guess what i named it? check it out. oh, and watch out for that first step outside your door, it could be a doozy.