

...and we are tucking one more year away into the dusty cabinets of memory. after making the work out more/be more organized/etc. resolutions repeatedly with little or no results, i'm changing my ways not only in that i'd like to actually accomplish my goals this year, but in that my goals deserve to be accomplished. my pg resolutions for 2005:

  1. carry a notebook everywhere [in an attempt not to forget all the mini-moments that i'll clog a novel with someday]
  2. learn something or go somewhere new each week [i am explorer at heart; feel free to tag along]
  3. start a blog
  4. dance more [i can't get enough of it]
  5. begin the long process that is researching my grandma's real life [partly out of curiosity and in hopes of preserving the past... but also because i'd like to write about her someday]

i don't know about 1, 2, 4, or 5, but number 3 is off to a pretty decent start, and my brother is banging out van halen's right now on the piano. it's my tomorrow.

1 comment:

dot said...

Ive kept two resolutions.Cottdamnit i break em every year.However one has to keep the faith, and i promised myself that i'd write more, despite spelling errors and grammar blow ups.This blogging shit helps it really does.
p.s dance more?
thats unique..may i recommend some ol school Gloria Estefan and an empty house/apartment??
LOL then go crazy emulating all the Ricky Martin, Jlo and any so called latin pop star moves..quite liberating.lmao